Monday, November 7, 2011

Missed At Home

Well I was told some disturbing news yesterday while talking to my mom. I guess she took my kids swimming and while they were swimming my son says to my daughter "lets pretend daddies dead." My mom asked him why he would say such a thing and his response was "Well hes gone on the truck ALL the time. We want him home for 50 days!" This hit home. This hit me hard. If my kids would rather pretend I'm dead then I'm doing something wrong. I know they miss me. I miss them. I hate being away all the time. So I'm not doing 34 hours at home anymore. I'm gonna use my full 2 days off so I can see them as much as possible. I'm sure its hard on them as they don't get to really see my wife either. She gets them up for school, then when school is over takes them to grandmas so she can go to work. They basically don't ever get to see either parent. I need to find a job where I'm home more often. I need a work from home job.

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