Monday, January 14, 2013

Back at it

Well I'm back at it. Been away for awhile and decided I missed trucking. I was a shagger, also called spot truck, also called yard dog etc. for a local meat packing plant. Did that for about 6 months. I went through a divorce and had to get off the road for awhile. Well the divorce is all over and done with and I've moved on. Found me a good girl that takes care of me and my kids very well. I'm back trucking with Sharkey transportation out of Quincy, Illinois. Good company. Can't miss our trucks either: big with yellow and green stripes lol. Well I need to nap before getting unloaded. This is only the first in what I think will be the resurrection of this blog. I look forward to getting the thoughts out of my head and out where others can see them.

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