Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sitting So Close To Home

Well my day started yesterday at about 1:45pm I picked up my load and hightailed it out of here to my destination in Illinois. Well 5 miles to my destination I hit a HUGE snag- traffic jam on I-290 near Chicago. Bumper to bumper for miles. Took me at least 10 minutes to move the last 5 miles. then when I finally get to my exit I find my turn is bocked on all directions by cars. Cars everywhere. If you have ever driven in or near Chicago you know the drivers can be....unforgiving. Such as I sat through 3 red lights waiting for a chance to turn when I finally gave up and headed back onto the bumper to bumper interstate down to the next exit. Finally made it to Target (right on time I will add) and did the delivery. Once done there I floored my truck )all 64 mph of it) and headed to Rochelle to get my backhaul at Sara Lee. Well long story short I am now out of hours and despite a most awesome attempt at getting home today I have failed. I got to the DC here in Cedar Falls with just minutes to spare so here I sit just 35 miles from home but here I will sit for 10 hours.

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