Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Year in reflection

Well almost a year ago my world was torn apart. I lost my wife, my house and my life as I knew it. My wife wanted a divorce. I had failed as husband. I went into a deep depression and tried commuting suicide twice. It was a very very dark time in my life.
Now fast forward a year. I have met a great woman. I have a house (hers but hey I live there). I have a good job that gets me home every weekend so I can be with my kids. I have stopped playing video games (part of my problem was this addiction). I am now family oriented. So I guess maybe the divorce was a blessing in disguise.
Jenny (my gf) has been asking me to marry her since we met. I have dodged the question and avoided the subject at every turn for fear that I will end up like I did last time. Alone and broken.
Well I think it's time to stop dragging my feet and get back on the horse they call life and move onward and upward. Maybe get remarried, maybe start being a little more religious too.
Maybe just start living a little more each day.

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